Zine Libs #2


Create your own zine, Mad Libs style. Fill-in-the-blank fun with friends. Laugh like hell. By Erick Lyle & Caroline Paquita.

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SKU: SKU17680 Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 23710


By Erick Lyle & Caroline Paquita.

Create your own zine, Mad Libs style. Fill-in-the-blank fun with friends. Laugh like hell. "The Punk House," "The Drug Study," "The Tour," "The Protest," "The End of the World." Guaranteed to break the ice at parties. "I love my new house so much. We call it the (adjective) (noun) House, because of the time when our (adjective) roommate, (city) Mike got drunk and (adverb) declared, ‘This house needs a f**kin’ name!’ Soon after, he went (noun)- hopping across the country and never came back, but the name stuck!"

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 0.125 in