Razorcake 122


Razorcake 122, featuring Dr. Melina Abdullah (of Black Lives Matter, L.A.), Nancy Barile, Direct Hit!, Tired Radio, and Jabberjaw.

“There is no revolution that happens without a soundtrack.” — Dr. Melina Adbullah

Gorsky Press, Inc.

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This issue:

Cover by Lauren Denitzio
Photo by Daryl Gussin

Donna Ramone doesn’t know who you’re going to call. (instagram)

Jim Ruland ain’t Bonzo, but he goes to Bitburg. (instagram, website, twitter)

Lorde Jayne is a sexy Grim Reaper. (instagram)

Sean Carswell knows most cops enjoy air-conditioning. (instagram)

Rev. Nørb asks, “Et tu, Raisinhead?” (instagram, website)

Puro Pinche Poetry y Cuentos (Edited by Ever Velasquez (instagram) and RoQue Torres (instagram)from “Identity politics” by John Jairo Valencia

RoQue Torres pollinates. (instagram)

Elly Dallas goes digging for Mail Art. (instagram)

Art Fuentes is feeling the déjà vu. (instagram)

Rhythm Chicken is nesting again. (instagram)

Designated Dale goes to Michigan to get his ear hairs blown back.

And photos from the lovely and talented:

Chris Boarts Larson (instagram, facebook, website)

Rachel Murray Framingheddu (instagram, website)

Nichelle Daily

112 page black and white newsprint magazine with 2-color covers
Gorsky Press, 2021

Razorcake Mission Statement:

Razorcake provides consistent coverage of do-it-yourself punk culture that you won’t find anywhere else. We believe in positive, progressive, community-friendly DIY punk. We do our part.

DIY punk culture is often misrepresented, misunderstood, and the target of corporate exploitation. Razorcake supports a legit community of punk music and culture as the only bona fide 501(c)(3) non-profit music magazine in the US.

Our bi-monthly fanzine is a one-of-a-kind resource for the DIY punk community. Over the years, Razorcake has developed this resource to help document every facet of this culture. The Razorcake Gorsky umbrella also includes book publishing, record pressing, live shows and readings, and a thriving web presence that maintains weekly podcasts, webcomics, and videos.

Our open participation policy means anyone can become a contributor. Currently, Razorcake offers a forum for over 180 long-term independent volunteer writers, photographers, illustrators, and musicians from around the world. We take pride in our scenes and represent them internationally. We also distribute the magazine to over twenty countries.

DIY punk is an exciting, evolving culture that can thrive outside of corporate interests. Our goal is to continue operating a modern framework where this community of independent, DIY punk can continue.

Additional information

Weight 7 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .375 in