Razorcake 114


editor: Maria Carmier

Razorcake 114, featuring Iron Lung, Gross Polluter, Dialer, Apostasis, and Bad Breeding. Razorcake provides consistent coverage of do-it-yourself punk culture that you won’t find anywhere else. They believe in positive, progressive, community-friendly DIY punk.

Gorsky Press, Inc.

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This issue:

Cover by Keith Rosson

Photos by Anthony Mehlhaff

Iron Lung: Interview by Juan Espinosa and Daryl Gussin

Gross Polluter: Interview by Todd Taylor and Sean Carswell

Dialer: Interview by Rick V.

Apostasis: Interview by Daisy Noemi

Bad Breeding: Interview by Daryl Gussin and Juan Espinosa

Donna Ramone and Jimmy Carter are building houses. (instagram)

Jim Ruland’s hearing now goes up to 11. (instagram, website, twitter)

Sophia Zarders is picking the flesh off another corporate corpse. (instagram, website)

Sean Carswell went up shit’s creek with a Peavey. (instagram)

Rev. Nørb ponders the confectionary delights of the camel toe. Wait. Did you mean bear claw? (instagram, website)

Designated Dale gets diagnosed with early onset hilarity.

Jamaica Dyer stares into the abyss and sees cat’s eyes reflecting back. (website)

Puro Pinche Poetry: Gritos Del Barrio (Edited by Ever Velasquez (instagram) and Eugenia Nicole(instagram)

Reminiscence of the Years
(For Angel Almaraz)

“from ages 2 to 7
I thought my life was hell
now that I reminisce
I think my life was truly heaven
I hated when my brothers would pick on me
but I’d give anything to go back for a day
back when my family felt complete
I’d give anything for my brothers to beat on me
I’d be the happiest punching bag
From 8 to 13…”

–Efren Almaraz

This is part three of a three-part in memory of series for Efren Almaraz and Nipsey Hussle in collaboration with the Watts Poets and Puro Pinche Poetry.

Special thanks to guest editor hermana Maria Carmier.

Roque Torres remembers those who are no longer with us. (instagram)

Ben Snakepit says adieu to Beerland and the memories of an honest venue. (instagram)

Rhythm Chicken may not turn water into wine, but he can turn condiment packets and fish assholes into soup. (instagram)

Art Fuentes is a salty voter. (instagram)

Biance relearns how revitalizing a live performance can be with Alice Bag.

And photos from the lovely and talented:
Dan Monick (instagram, website, twitter)

Chris Boarts Larson (instagram, facebook, website)

Rachel Murray Framingheddu (instagram, website)

112 page black and white newsprint magazine with 2-color covers
Gorsky Press, 2020

Razorcake Mission Statement:

Razorcake provides consistent coverage of do-it-yourself punk culture that you won’t find anywhere else. We believe in positive, progressive, community-friendly DIY punk. We do our part.

DIY punk culture is often misrepresented, misunderstood, and the target of corporate exploitation. Razorcake supports a legit community of punk music and culture as the only bona fide 501(c)(3) non-profit music magazine in the US.

Our bi-monthly fanzine is a one-of-a-kind resource for the DIY punk community. Over the years, Razorcake has developed this resource to help document every facet of this culture. The Razorcake Gorsky umbrella also includes book publishing, record pressing, live shows and readings, and a thriving web presence that maintains weekly podcasts, webcomics, and videos.

Our open participation policy means anyone can become a contributor. Currently, Razorcake offers a forum for over 180 long-term independent volunteer writers, photographers, illustrators, and musicians from around the world. We take pride in our scenes and represent them internationally. We also distribute the magazine to over twenty countries.

DIY punk is an exciting, evolving culture that can thrive outside of corporate interests. Our goal is to continue operating a modern framework where this community of independent, DIY punk can continue.

Additional information

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .375 in