
by Josh Bayer

RAW POWER is a KING SIZED 48 page comic featuring G. Gordon Liddy, Cat-man and Punk Rock.

Retrofit Comics

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Josh Bayer cannot be contained in the standard 32 page zine-sized Retrofit comic! RAW POWER is a KING SIZED 48 page comic featuring G. Gordon Liddy, Cat-man and Punk Rock. Josh began publishing his comics in 1988. Since then, he has collaborated with Raymond Pettibon, been listed in Best American Comics, been rejected by The Yes Men’s Fake NY Times project, and contributed conceptual art to HBO’s Rome and New Lines Nightmare on Elm Street. He is an advisor at the Sequential Art Workshop.

Josh Bayer’s Raw Power is one of the more viscerally enjoyable comics I’ve experienced in a long time. His pages are great examples of comics-as-handwriting, using every expressive, crammed panel totally in the service of demonstrating his titular theme. Ad to that it combines several of my favourite things, including punk rock, politics, conspiracy theories, and comic books, and you have the makings of a nearly perfect cultural artifact.” — BK Munn, Sequential

“Every page of Josh Bayer’s Raw Poweroverflows with energetic, cruel, high level,  scribly,  hatched drawing — this is drawing that isn’t afraid to show itself, to make a fool of itself before quickly showing itself for the beautiful thing it actually is. Twisted faces, dashed off caricatures—page after page, Bayer lovingly punches the reader in the face with his art.” — Austin English, The Comics Journal

“Now I know the real truth about the Carter administration. Finally.” –Tim Callahan

“That Josh Bayer dude is a force of nature!” — Tom Neely

48 pages, black and white magazine with glossy color covers
Retrofit Comics, December 2011

Additional information

Weight 9 oz
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 0.125 in