A House in the Jungle


by Nathan Gelgud

They had an agreement: He would provide them with his strange fruit and they would leave him to his jungle home. But the townsfolk are welching on their deal and their expanding border is infringing on his mind expansion making things come to a head in this magical realist noir.

Koyama Press
ISBN: 9781927668627

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SKU: 9781927668627 Categories: , Product ID: 43744


They had an agreement: He would provide them with his strange fruit and they would leave him to his jungle home. But the townsfolk are welching on their deal and their expanding border is infringing on his mind expansion making things come to a head in this magical realist noir.

Nathan Gelgud is a cartoonist and illustrator based in South Pasadena, CA whose clients include: The Paris Review, Nike, Penguin Random House, ESPN, New York Review of Books (NYRB Classics), BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music), Ford Foundation, and The Believer.

288 page full color paperback
Koyama Press, 2018

Additional information

Weight 21 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6.5 × 1 in