Gwenaelle! Yumi Sakugawa!

We picked up Yumi Sakugawa’s new mini, Goodbye Turtle, at Stumptown last weekend. Another fantastic story from this comics artist! And also new in the store today is our Gwenaelle catalog, a total of six zines. I love her two recipe zines...

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A Brief Bit About Comic Book Shows

Last year I didn’t go to MoCCA, Brooklyn Comics Art, TCAF or SPX for Sparkplug. Other people did those shows for Sparkplug. This was noted by a few people as Sparkplug not being at the shows. This year, I’ve gone to MoCCA and will be...

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An Error at the Printing Plant.

We just found out that there was an error in the printing of Gay Genius and so, it won’t be out this weekend. The party will be moved to later in the month (the 30th) and the official release of the book will be at the party/TCAF in...

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Conventions with New Books!

Sparkplug Comic Books is going to both MoCCA Fest and Stumptown Comics Fest and we’ll be premiering new books at each show. The MoCCA Festival is this weekend in Manhattan, NYC Saturday April 9th and Sunday April 10th 11am-6pm. It will be...

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