Dear Humans,

My brand new band EVOLUTION REVOLUTION will be performing at MASS MoCA this Saturday, May 28 with Jesse Stiles opening, for the reception of “Becoming Animal: Contemporary Art in the Animal Kingdom”. Gallery / performance. Thank you...

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Message to the People of the Future

The Brown Cuts Neighbors are 15 years old today… well, they would be, if they had not perished, along with their core creative force — James Kopta — in a cruel accident two years ago. I’m actually a day late writing this. The “Official”...

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Essay on Jason Martin

Jason Martin is, in the expression of his personality through his art, a living relic. Last Thursday night, he was in his most apt context as a performer. The location: a museum on a hill in an urban wasteland with abandoned factories, well...

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Boomerang Update

The Boomerang Project has been created to release previously unseen music and writing by the late James Kopta. There is a special section in the DeptEx shop devoted to James’ work. All money from the sale of these items goes in to the...

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I’m informed that this is the buckle of the bible belt. Yes. Here I am in Nashville, TN. It’s late on July 28, 2004. The first Brown Cuts Neighbors 7″ record, “Broken Down Like A Bean” (by all accounts a mastering...

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The Theory comprises a body of work spanning the course of several decades, with its origins generally attributed to Professor Lars McTuften and his research in the recording of what he referred to as ‘Chicken Dreams and Impulses’...

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