Rina Ayuyang on Ink Studs!

Rina Ayuyang just got interviewed on Inkstuds. She is pretty awesome and this interview is one of the few actually adult sounding interviews I’ve heard in a while. Great stuff. Check it out! http://inkstuds.com/?p=3221

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Zine (and Comic) Fest Etiquette

A great post by Amber from Fight Boredom Distro about Zine (and what could easily be Comic) Festival etiquette. hello-amber.blogspot.com Amber is a great writer and really points out a bunch of things that need saying, but she points them out in...

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Music Monday: DUSTdevils

Music Monday: DUSTdevils

DUSTdevils made some amazing sounds. I first became aware of them from hearing their version of the Fall’s Hip Priest on the radio. A couple of their releases trickled into my collection over the next couple of years. I eventually heard...

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A really cool gallery in Baltimore is asking for big corporate dough to expand. Normally I’d be down on Pepsi but this is a case where their money would go to a good cause: http://www.refresheverything.com/openspacebaltimore...

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From Hell It Came

This animation is pretty intense and bizarre and awesome: James Michael Williams’ (no relation) new animation endeavor. James is also a pretty radical comics artist. Not for the weak. jamesmichaelwilliams.net

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Heavy Hand Release Party!

In combination with Tim Goodyear’s FACE MELTERZ show this Thursday at Floating World Comics in Portland, OR they’ll be having a Heavy Hand release freak out. Make sure to be there. I mean if you like hard partying...

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