The IPRC's Comics Program!

I’ll be involved in the IPRC’s new comic certificate program. This is the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland Oregon. It is kind of like an art school except way better because it costs less and teaches you real things...

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Come Join My Gang

Tiena has been the premier events list for the New York State Capital District for over a decade. It’s members come from a wide range of artistic disciplines, interests, hobbies, activities and pathologies. This new tiena SoundCloud group...

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Thurston Moore on Growth.

A Thurston Moore quote from Our Band Could Be Your Life: “Moore felt independent labels had lost what made them good in the first place, which was that they didn’t try to compete on any level with the majors. But, noting the steady growth...

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We got that Post MoCCA Attitude!

This Year’s MoCCA Festival was the hottest convention I’ve ever been to. I mean that literally, it was sweltering and stuffy BUT there were so many amazing comics there. It made it totally worth it for me and Sparkplug. Here is my...

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