Things You Carry
Things You Carry
Vincent Stall
2D Cloud
King Mini takes his inimitable style and vision into the realm of the long-form narrative in Things You Carry. Vincent's wordless fable builds upon shorter works that only hinted at what he fully realizes in this new book, a story that on its surface is quite simple, but upon repeat visits offers the reader with myriad pathways into the artist, his creation or the act of creation itself.
“ would love to see more creators try and limit themselves this way, with no words and no facial expressions. It really forces Stall to draw environments that have emotions. ” — Robin McConnell
“It’s all very quiet and beautiful and, while open to interpretation, Things You Carry feels like a homecoming story to me. At the end there’s a definite sense that things are right with this world, no matter the mess. It all just comes together.” — Sarah Morean on IndieReader.
96 page monotone paperback (6" x 6")
2D Cloud, 2011
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