Rick Veitch’s The One #2
Rick Veitch’s The One #2
Rick Veitch
Waking from the Big Sleep, our post-nuclear family has a mysterious houseguest called The One. But when his ancient nemesis appears, they find themselves ensnared in a cosmic conflict of unimaginable proportions. Meanwhile, with all atomic weapons disabled by The Double, the American military unveils their long-secret super-soldier project... and then the Soviet military fast-tracks its own program based on untested Nazi Übermensch technology. Completely remastered with new scans and updated color, all overseen by Veitch himself, The One presents a shocking worldview that almost predicted today's political climate!
Also features one page of The Puzz Fundles by Rick Grimes, in color!
40 page full color comic book
IDW, 2018
Diamond Code: JAN180558
Categories: All Products | Bronze & Silver | IDW | New | Rick Veitch