Former Brown Cuts Neighbors bass player Seth Cluett is back from Paris, and he’s playing tonight in Troy, New York!

Is listening to a recording of a bottle still listening to a bottle? This question might strike you as a tad esoteric, but it’s the main philosophical question guiding Zeroth Channel II, an exploration on sound recording happening tonight at EMPAC.

The event will dissect the nature of “true” experience of audio works, as well as the process of documentary and field recording. It will feature the works of composers Doug Henderson of Berlin, Seth Cluett (formerly of Troy, now of Paris.), and Natasha Barrett of Oslo.

Regular admission is $15.00; RPI faculty/staff, students and seniors are $10.00

For tickets or more information, visit the EMPAC website or call (518) 276-3921.

via Songs for multi-channel sound diffusion – Local arts – Creative Capital – – Albany NY and @skfl.