Three 2010 WWW Baby New Years

Marc Arsenault

Brand new on the Interwebs, in just the last few days, are the three following, vaguely Wow Cool connected sites that are worth your while to check out. Relevancy and mileage may vary based on your personal preferences and life experience.

1. Steve Bissette’s King of Monster Isle

Yes, It is true, the renowned Swamp Thing artist, Mister SR Bissette, has launched his first sustained comic effort since putting Tyrant on hold in 1995. It’s a webcomic with a Parson and some monsters. What else? We’ll find out as it develops.

2. Lady Starlight’s CONSUME Shop

Lady Starlight, AKA Brown Cuts Neighbors co-founder Colleen Martin, known to many as a collaborator of Lady Gaga and to a few less as the author of the best rock blog ever – Lady Starlight’s Rock n Roll High School – has launched her own shop. Style + Capitalism (and very glam).

3. Brevator, CALMS, Burnt Hills, nickname: Rebel members launch new band White Seizure

Mike Keegan, Nick Carpenter and Robb Cole went and started another band. It’s pretty rockin’. Go listen.

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