Silent Action! New Bicycle blog by Joshua Baker

Silent Action! New Bicycle blog by Joshua Baker

Marc Arsenault

Silent Action!
The Rev. Joshua Baker would like to let you know about his Unhealthy Fixation… Yup, it’s a fixed gear focused bike blog called Silent Action! He’s been cranking out the entries at a steady pace since the start of the Fall (Autumn in some areas), so there is plenty to catch up on. A friendly place to start for those who are understandably frightened by the fringe world of fixies (I’m terrified of the things).

Joshua’s Bio: “Professional Bike mechanic, musician, gardener, cook, explorer, writer, illustrator, Universal Life Minister, non-pretentious fixie rider, Joshua Baker. I raced Cat 4 road for 3 years in the Portland, OR area. I’ve worked in frame fabrication and bicycle shop service department situations for 10 years. I’ve been on a fixie for 7 years and the fixed gear has slowly taken over to dominate my riding preferences.” Most visitors here will know him more specifically from the bands, Kilauea, Chased & Smashed, God Hates Computers, The Broken Seats and currently Offset Needle Radius; and, from the zine Notes from the Lighthouse.

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