I’m informed that this is the buckle of the bible belt. Yes. Here I am in Nashville, TN. It’s late on July 28, 2004. The first Brown Cuts Neighbors 7″ record, “Broken Down Like A Bean” (by all accounts a mastering disaster, but a strangely popular record) was pressed in this city by United Records in 1990. I’d been reading Sam McPheeters account of the last days of Alberti Records (somewhere on under “Writing”) when suddenly that obscure factoid hit me. I’m wondering if they do factory tours at United. I think about vinyl music record things a bit too much to be healthy. I terrorized my girlfriend with the locked groove at the end of Lou Reed’s ” Metal Machine music” a few weeks ago on the eve of seeing Mr. Reed at Carnegie Hall… I’ve been having little 7? record fests of old Gems like Unrest’s “Cherry, Cherry” and “Isabel Bishop” — the latter being a Happy Mondaysish delight that begs repeat listenings… three yesterday at least. Music is some funny stuff nowadays. An understatement like that… to be sure… Eerorismatic wonderings aside…. anyway…. and so on…
Marc A.