More news on the IPRC program in Portland.
From an interview in the Mercury.
Fall Semester
1) Core Creative Writing workshop with Justin Hocking (fiction + nonfiction). Will meet once a week for 2-3 hours.
A) Intro intensive weekend with Justin Hocking and Alex Wrekk
B) Guest lectures by Kevin Sampsell, Ariel Gore, Cheryl Strayed and Alex Wrekk
2) Core Comics/Graphic Novel workshop with Jesse Recklaw. Will meet once a week for 2-3 hours.
A) Intro weekend intensive with Dylan Williams: Foundations in creating comics (making time, finding inspiration, drawing from life, history of comics, etc.)
B) Mid-semester: 2 hour workshop with Annie Murphy: comics and personal/historical visual narrative
C) More guest lectures and workshops with Craig Thompson, Nicole Georges, Shawn Granton and Todd Bak Spring Semester
A) Intensive workshop in Production, Design, and Publication + New Media facilitated by Mark Searcy. Will meet once a week for 2-3 hours. Final project will be a collaborative anthology of work created during fall semester, published and perfect-bound at the IPRC.
Semester will also include:
1) Five hour letterpress workshop
2) Screenprinting workshop (taught at Em Space Book Arts Center)
3) Beginning and Advanced InDesign courses
4) Perfect binding machine workshop
5) Tours of local printing presses (e.g. Brown, Eberhardt, Stumptown, etc)
6) Pre-press comics class taught by Dylan Williams
7) Webdesign + social media instruction