Irony Is Fucking Dead

Irony Is Fucking Dead

Marc Arsenault


Events in Berlin today (It’s still Monday, November 9, 2009 in California, folks) proved that irony is dead, dead, dead, fucking dead. Either that or someone way the hell too clever came up with the concept of having former Polish president Lech Walesa topple over a line of Styrofoam slabs made up like sections of the Berlin Wall domino style. It’s a seriously jaw dropping moment for anyone just old enough to have been very aware of the cold war and its rhetoric while it was still going on. A serious WTF? that only reinforces any lingering belief in dark councils of powerful men who control the fates of us mere mortals from whatever secluded summit. Poor Lech held the longest sustained near topple himself of any world leader since Gerald Ford’s days in the Oval Office when he pushed that column, but he fulfilled his role like a champ, held aloft, no doubt, by laughter. (video and more here.) So, either there are really clever people getting funky concepts in past really stupid ones, or everyone is in on the joke (not likely), or we are all fucking idiots (see example above).

It all makes my head hurt.

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