I'm a big loser in the Scary Go Round Feats of Strength

I'm a big loser in the Scary Go Round Feats of Strength

Marc Arsenault

OK. I went a little contest crazy in my spare time these last few months and did ridiculous things like a Radiohead Remix and even wrote and recorded a whole record in February. When I saw that my favorite web comic Scary Go Round was having a reader created comic contest called Feats of Strength, I couldn’t resist. However, trying to write, draw and color the whole thing in 3 nights right after 2 12+ hour drives between New York and Tennessee was very ill advised; and, it shows in the finished product and in my showing in the contest. Still, I’ll take 23 (my lucky number) in a field of 54. I think I was eventually more scared it would win, and people would see me at my worst. Well, here I am showing it anyway. So yeah… up ’til 3 am every night… arm in total agony… It was seriously an ‘I’ll fix it in the inking”… then ‘I’ll fix it in the coloring’ kind of rationalization going on. The bizarre and garish color choices don’t help. Not my best work. Still, I think it’s a pretty cute little strip. Enjoy!

Click for normal Scary Go Round size view.

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