Comicon '08 report by Tom Neely

Dylan Williams

Me and Gonzo! (I'm the one on the right)

I survived another year of the San Diego Comic Con! I had a really great time while I was there. In many ways it was one of the most pleasant SDCCs of my career.
Me and Matt Groening (no badges)
Highlights included meeting both Gonzo and Matt Groening (who said he had The Blot and he bought my new comics!), hanging out with all my comic book friends, and introducing my fiancée to the strange world of comic conventions. And she LOVED it.
Elvis Stormtrooper likes The Blot
Deadpool likes my Melvins Comic
TV's Batman & Robin age 10
The convention has changed in the 10 years I’ve been going there. There’s lots of talk about it being too Hollywood now… but I don’t really know about that. Over half of the convention is taken over by movies, t.v. shows, toy companies and video games. And it does seem like that part of the convention overshadows the comics. But it doesn’t seem like it really efects us that much. They seem to keep to their end of the convention center, and we’ve still got ours. That’s fine with me. It’s like me and my friends are all sitting at the nerd table in the high school lunchroom. The Jocks are encroaching on our territory, but they can’t keep us from being who we are.

I love comic convention people. They fascinate me and entertain me and make me feel at home. There is something really wonderful about the freedom to express all of our geeky-weirdness in public.
I have no ideaawesome wizard shirt 2awesome suits made out of sheets view from my boothLasagna Cat and some dudes
the Sparkplug Comic Books/I Will Destroy You booth
HUGE thanks to my pals Sparkplug Comic Books and Teenage Dinosaur for letting us join them for our double booth setup. And Levon, Jeff, Shiga, Shannon, Alixopulos and David for hanging out and helping all week.
calm before the storm
I love going to cons with these guys – they help keep me grounded amidst the onslaught of interacting with thousands of people. Even though I’m completely exhausted, I’m already lookin’ forward to hanging out with them at the next one.

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