Helping Caspian See


Zack Soto has been a friend to Wow Cool and Alternative Comics for longer than I am even sure of. He was a Wow Cool mail-order customer back in our golden days during the zine explosion of the 90s. He sent me and Jeff Mason comics at various times. His comics were published by Alternative in the Hi-Horse Omnibus. When Wow Cool expanded its mail order comics store in 2011, Zack’s Study Group Comics was one of the first publishers we featured in the catalog. Study Group was one of the first four imprints to join Alternative when we got together to form a publishing co-op — combining distribution and marketing activities — at the end of 2014. Zack is one of the best friends Team Comics has ever had.

A few hours ago the word went out that Zack and Krista Soto’s son Caspian has a serious degenerative optical condition. He may well end up blind one day. They have set up a GoFundMe page to cover some basic, necessary and urgent expenses. People have come out in droves in support of the Sotos to help with the testing and upgrading their home lighting (all the info on the gofundmepage), but they can use all the help they can get. I urge you to join up and donate what you can to help out them and their son.